Xcode 3.2 Tutorial HowTo Create Twitter iPhone App (1of4)(Xcode 3.2) Apple Guide Help Source Code

Xcode 3.2 This is an HD tutorial showing how to create an entire Twitter Iphone app from scratch using xcode 3.2. (also compatible with 3.1) Tutorial explains basic concepts such as UI controllers, arrays, picker. Requires no previous knowledge! Perfect for the rising developer/development ! Designed with beginners in mind! For help post a question … Read more

Easy Oracle PL/SQL Programming: Get Started Fast with Working PL/SQL Code Examples

Product DescriptionDesigned for any Oracle professional who must quickly implement Oracle reporting, this indispensable guide offers new tips and tricks that make Oracle reporting simple. The basics of PL/SQL are introduced using multiple examples that include code snippets and sample code results. The example-driven methodology teaches PL/SQL language structures, anonymous blocks, and stored procedures so … Read more

Techniques For Integrating Hibernate Into Legacy Java Code – Part 1

If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time dealing with legacy code that, for whatever reason, does not take advantage of modern methodologies and libraries. I’ve taken over Java projects that contain hundreds of thousands of lines of code and not a single third-party jar other than a JDBC driver! One of the most common examples of this is the implementation of the data access layer. These days, the de facto methodology involves Hibernate and DAOs, usually managed by Spring.

This article will detail the steps I recently took to covert a large application from custom-written data access to Hibernate and Spring using the refactoring facilities in Eclipse. The key with this refactorization is to get the existing business logic code (Struts Actions, JSPs, Delegate classes, Business Service classes, etc. ) to access the datastore using Hibernate, managed by Spring, without manually changing any of that code directly. Part 1 will include creating the Hibernate data object classes, DAOs, and refactoring the existing code to work with these newly created types. Part 2 will conclude the project with integration of the Hibernate DAOs and wiring everything up with Spring.

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What is the command-line code to load a SQL script in notepad to Oracle 10g express?

Question: I made a script using notepad but what is the command line code to load it into Oracle express 10g? In MySQL it is just source C: or where ever I have it located. Answer: Follow these steps: Save your notepad file with . sql extension. c:\filename.sql Run it in the command prompt c:>sqlplus … Read more

Deploy Top-Performing Java or SQL Code with J Optimizer and DB Optimizer

www.embarcadero.com Yikes! Your application just failed three performance requirements in QA. Is it your database? Is it your application? What is it? Before you begin the usual hair on fire drills tuning the parameters, rebuilding the indexes, removing them, and throwing more hardware at the problem attend this webinar: Deploy Top-Performing Java or SQL Code … Read more

Generate ASP.NET/AJAX web apps with Code ontime Generator

Code ontime Generator for Microsoft.NET creates modern ASP.NET/AJAX web applications with live ad hoc data export and reporting without external dependencies. Learn more at www.codeontime.com

Querying Table Data Using Visual Basic Code in MS Access

In order to fully utilize the capabilities of MS Access, one must learn not only learn the Visual Basic (VB) programming language, but should also learn Standard Query Language (SQL). Once a grasp of these two languages have been obtained, MS Access users can begin to build faster and more efficient databases.

One tool that has proved itself very useful to me over the years is querying data from tables or queries using VB and SQL code. A brief introduction to this process is presented in this article. To best understand this process, an example is provided below along with an explanation of its parts.


Dim rstTemp As Recordset

Dim strSQL As String

Dim routeNum As Integer

strSQL = "SELECT [Route], [Main Route PM], [Intersecting Route], [IntBeginPM], [IntEndPM] “

strSQL =  strSQL + “FROM Intersections_list WHERE (((CStr([Route])) = """ + cmbRouteQuery + """));"

Set rstTemp = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

If (Not (rstTemp.EOF)) Then


routeNum = rstTemp(0)


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Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction

Product Description For more than a decade, Steve McConnell, one of the premier authors and voices in the software community, has helped change the way developers write code–and produce better software. Now his classic book, CODE COMPLETE, has been fully updated and revised with best practices in the art and science of constructing software. Whether … Read more