JAVA Enterprise Edition Tutorial

This course will teach you what Java Enterprise Edition is all about and how it will help you build enterprise applications. You will learn how enterprise application architectures have evolved over the time. It explores key Java EE concepts and technologies. For more videos on this course visit:

25 thoughts on “JAVA Enterprise Edition Tutorial”

  1. Hi Pradeep, it’s very precise and to the point video. In 10 minutes, I learnt what I was trying to understand since so many months. I’m basically IT Project Manager – have worked hands on Java before 1998 days. However, with one of my new project and this BUZZ word J2EE – was trying to understand what’s difference. When asked about J2EE, people talk much about MVC (Servlet, EJB, etc.). The core idea of this J2EE was not known to me. My sincere thanks to you for sharing amazing video. Hats off!

  2. thank you so muvh for this video, i’am going to do a JavaEE couse but I was having some problems to enderstand… and this video put an end in all the mess that wass in my brain! Thank you so much! Obrigada

  3. Hi,

    This is Pradeep LN, the instructor in the video. This video is part1 of a Java EE tutorial shot by (and for) an IT magazine website : siliconindia. The other parts are available on siliconindia site, but they seem to be having some glitches and videos are not playing properly. I don’t have the source videos.
    I am very glad that so many of you found it useful. I hope to post more useful stuff in the future on my site : ClearSemantics.
    -Pradeep LN

  4. hey thnx fr such a clear picture of all d editions.
    I have to make a java database driven dynamic website for my final project…. shud i use J2SE or J2EE. and plz tell me wot all thingsi shud knw before starting of wid it

  5. I wish I found this video earlier, when studying for the SCJA certification. This guy explains very clearly concepts which took me a lot of time to understand by other means.

    Please post the continuation of tutorial (and tell the guy to say less “OK”… ok?)

  6. This is why i dont like java, always some india or chinese dude giving a course. In contrast microsoft always have good books and good tutorials regarding their technologies

  7. Thanks i had been hearing about Java for many years but never knew this jargon and this was the reason i never went on to Java since all this sounds too STUPID.

    But thanks anyways, JavaSoft is foolish, it should hav used JavaMe to replace Ajax with a light weight runtime in browser. So one jvm for browser and one regular one. Bloody idiots at SunMicro

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