This multi-part screencast series shows how NetBeans 6.9 provides comprehensive tooling for Java EE 6 & GlassFish 3. The different parts show: 1. A simple Java EE 6 application (JSP, Servlets, EJB) 2. Reading database table using Java Persistence API 2 3. Using Facelets with Java Server Faces 2 4. Contexts & Dependency Injection with JSF 2 5. RESTful Web services using JAX-RS This is part #1 and all screencasts are hosted at
13 thoughts on “JSP + Servlets + EJB: Java EE 6 & GlassFish 3 using NetBeans 6.9 (Part 1 of 5)”
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@arun: I wrote a simple jsp file and tried to run, it is throwing “The requested URL /HelloWeb/ was not found on this server”. i followed the same steps which has been mentioned in netbeans tutorial. can u pls let me know the possible reasone for this error?Thanks>>>>>>>Shailendra
@ Masifshoukat This is generated code as a template, use the code below:int count; if (request. getSession (). getAttribute (“count”) == null) ( count = 0; ) Else ( count = (Integer) request. getSession (). getAttribute (“count”); ) request. getSession (). setAttribute (“count”, + + count); out. println (“Accessed:” + request getSession () getAttribute (“count”)..);
Hi arun, thanks for this interesting and helpful tutorial. i have one problem, in helloservlet when you wrote session and press entered of something it generated template code, but when i tried the same it didnt generated the template code. can you please explain the steps how to generate template code using short key or something like u did in this video. thanks for any helpsincerelyasif
Hi arun, thanks for this interesting and helpful tutorial. i have one problem, in helloservlet when you wrote session and press entered of something it generated template code, but when i tried the same it didnt generated the template code. can you please explain the steps how to generate template code using short key or something like u did in this video. thanks for any helpsincerelyasif
@lohiashailendra And where is this HTML file added ?What are you trying to achieve ?
hi Arun,Thanks for great tutorial. But I am facing one problem and it is “requested URL not found on server”. I have written one small html file and it is throwing this error. Can you pls let me know the possible reason for same? Same html file is working fine in eclipse. Thanks in advance.
Excellent Tutorial. I have gained more from this tutorial than all I have read in the past 1 month. Thank YOU! I will continue through your series.
@pjiricka – This also happens with the simplest scenario. I just sent u the project files.
@tembehval – this is strange, it looks like your project is misconfigured. Or there is something in your project that prevents initialization of the container. Does it work for you at least in the simplest scenario (i. e. create an EJB, add a method, generate a test for it, run the test)?Also, what version of GlassFish and NetBeans do you use? If you can share your project, it would be useful if you can send it to me at petr. jiricka at oracle dot com. Thanks.
Hello Gupta,thank u for the great tutorials. I for some reason could not successfully run the junit test. I have the following as reasons:Testcase: testSayHello(server. HelloBeanTest): Caused an ERRORNo EJBContainer provider availableThe following providers:org. glassfish. ejb. embedded. EJBContainerProviderImplReturned null from createEJBContainer call. What can i do?
This was an immensely helpful tutorial. You make excellent use of the medium of YouTube and your examples and easy to follow whiel at the same time very informative. Thank you very much. On a personal note: It’s both frightening and very interresting to see how fast things are moving and how much easier it has become to perform previously tedious and mundane tasks such as persistence. This highlights the need for the individual developer to stay current. 🙂
@cvasilak CDI + JPA will be coming in future, stay tuned!
Great tutorials and thanks for your great work!Would be great if you create a screencast using CDI, JSF, Facelets together with JPA (that is all technologies combined) to create a web application. I am particularly interested of using CDI and JPA. We really lack this kind of tutorials. Keep up!