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Web Demo:
1. You are using the backup scheduler in Enterprise Manager (EM) to schedule a backup of your database.
Which type of script does the backup scheduler generate?
A. SQL script
B. PL/SQL script
C. Operating System (OS) script
D. Enterprise Manager (EM) script
E. Recovery Manager (RMAN) script
Answer: E
2. In your Oracle 10g database , you have scheduled a job to update the optimizer statistics at 05:00 pm every Friday. The job has successfully completed. Which three pieces of information would you check to confirm that the statistics have been collected? (Choose three. )
A. average row size
B. last analyzed date
C. size of table in bytes
D. size of table in database blocks
E. number of free blocks in the free list
F. number of extents present in the table
Answer: ABD
3. You want the user APP_DBA to administer the Oracle database from a remote machine. APP_DBA is granted the SYSDBA privilege to perform administrative tasks on the database.
Which file is used by the Oracle database server to authenticate APP_DBA?
A. control file
B. password file
C. listener controller file
D. control file and password file
Answer: B
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